Friday 7th June 2024
After breakfast in Hotel Bel Sito in Peschiera del Garda we walked to the train station which was 10 minutes away. We had already purchased our tickets to Verona the previous day so we went straight to the platform to catch the train.
When we arrived in Verona we decided to get a bus to the meeting place for the walking tour. It took a little while to work out which bus to catch but eventually we found the right one and managed to get off at the correct stop. Then we had to find the Teatro Ristori, the meeting place for the walking tour and although it wasn’t far away we didn’t really know how to navigate the streets of Verona. We asked one person who gave us directions bit it wasn’t obvious and finally we asked two ladies sitting in a van (think they were cleaners) who didn’t speak any English but they pointed us in the right direction. We met Andre (the tour guide) and the rest of the group at the right place and on time!
We were a bit concerned about whether Mel would be able to cope with walking around Verona for two hours so we told Andre that he might have to drop out. But Andre reassured him that he would be walking very slowly and only covering about 2km. We set off on time and Andre was a very knowlegable and informative guide.

It was very hot but we did walk slowly and managed to find some shade in the narrow streets. Mel managed OK and we were able to complete the tour which was well worth doing.

We saw Juliet’s balacony (disappointing!) amongst other interesting features and finished at the Arena di Verona, the city’s iconic amphitheatre on Piazza Bra. It was the start of the opera season today so it was very busy but unfortunately we didn’t have tickets.

We had lunch in the piazza before catching a bus back to the train staion. We found the platform for the train and boarded it along with a lot of people, including lots of young people who were probably on their way home from school/college.