We left home about 10.00 am on the 27th October 2023 and drove to Portsmouth. It was a good journey although busy in places. We stopped a few times for refreshments arriving at the port about 5.30.pm. We checked in for the ferry (Santona) and waited to board which we did about 8pm. We took our travel sickness tablets and went to bed.
We stayed in our cabin most of Saturday as I had taken food for breakfast and lunch with us. We booked a table for dinner at 6.15. pm and afterwards went straight back to the cabin. It was a very rough crossing, but the travel sickness pills worked and staying horizontal in the cabin also helped.
We docked in Santander at 8.00.am (Spanish time) on the 29th October and got on the road very promptly. There was some rain, low cloud and wind on the journey but very little traffic. We arrived at the Hotel Moya in Honrubia just after 4pm. We checked in and had a rest and then went for some food in the restaurant which was very reasonable and OK. The bed was a bit uncomfortable and the room a bit dark but otherwise it was fine and only cost 62 Euros plus the food. We had toast and coffee the next morning and after filling up with fuel at the adjacent station, we got on our way.
We arrived at Caravaning La Manga about 1pm on Monday 30th October but the chalet we had last year had been taken. We looked at several others on sector I but none were ideal so we looked on sector M and decided to take a 3 bedroom “Resort” chalet M104. We unloaded what we needed for the first night, made the bed and went to the campsite restaurant for dinner. We were very tired after the journey so we went to bed after watching “Time” and Graham Norton.