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28 December 2014 Totals for the week 100.7km/63miles and 1279m of climb.
21 December 2014 Totals for the week 34.5km/21miles and 319m of climb.
Road run 15 December 2014
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14 December 2014 Totals for the week 70.8km/44miles and 180m of climb.
Torre Pacheco Half Marathon 14 December 2014
Road run 11 December 2014
Road run 10 December 2014
Road run 9 December 2014
Road run 8 December 2014
7 December 2014 Totals for the week 105.4km/65.5 miles and 1176m of climb.
Mixed terrain run 7 December 2014
Mixed terrain run 6 December 2014
Road run 4 December 2014
Road run 3 December 2014
Hill run 2 December 2014
Road run 1 December 2014
30 November 2014
Totals for the week 103.3km/64 miles and 1702m of climb.
Totals for the month 420km/261 miles and 4619m of climb.
Hill run 30 November 2014
I felt remarkably fresh considering I had a long run yesterday.
Long run in the hills – 29 November 2014
Hill run 27 November 2014
Bike ride 26 November 2014
Lesley’s Bike Ride from Melvyn on Vimeo.
Mixed terrain run 25 November 2014
Mixed terrain run 24 November 2014
XIII CROSS DE LA ARTILLERIA 2014 – Sunday 23 November
A hot and windy day but we were both looking forward to the run. From the website map of the course I thought the race looked flat. Wrong! The whole of the start area was alive with runners from about 9:00am. There were a series of short races of 1/4mile and 1mile (don’t know why they weren’t using metric distances) that were aimed at youngsters. It was great to see so many children with their race numbers on. Our race started at 11:30 by which time it was pretty hot. We made the mistake of being the wrong side of the barriers, I assumed they would open them up to allow the runners through, that was something else I got wrong. We finally got through the barriers into a tightly packed group of what turned out to be “towards the back” runners. The start was not ideall but another lesson learnt. Running through the streets of Cartegena was great fun, lots of people supporting and the close proximity of the shops and restaurants created a fun atmosphere. At about 3k the race split into two, those running the 6k and those running the 14k (Lesley and me). From here the race got more serious. As we ran out of the town along the narrow road towards the lighthouse you could sense the determination of the other runners as we battled into the strong winds. This was where I realised that I had misinterpreted the map, the road following the coastline was in fact quite hilly. The route takes you round the lighthouse and back the same way,so I was heartened when I saw the lead runners when I was about 6k. All things considered I wasn’t that far behind. I also didn’t notice any other old looking runners but I knew from previous experience I could be wrong. I spotted Lesley not long after I rounded the lighthouse and she looked strong, having settled in with a group of runners. I went through the 10k mark in 42 minutes, a bit slower than I hoped but I wasn’t surprised as it was pretty tough going. The route back through the town was different with an evil climb up the road to the city walls about 1k from home. I finally crossed the line in 61:44 in 157th overall (out of 1288 finishers), finishing 1st in my age group (by 6 minutes). Lesley had continued to run well and came in with a time of 78:09 finishing 2nd in her age group. All in all a pleasing day at the races.
FARO14 Race results
Totals for the week: 76km/47 miles and 200m of climb.
Last run before Sunday’s run 20 November 2014
Short brisk road run – tapering ready for Sunday’s race 19 November 2014
Brisk road run 18 November 2014
Race Distance 17 November 2014
Road run 16 November 2014
Totals for the week: 113.9km/71 miles and 1003m of climb.
Long run 15 November 2014
First long run on the road since we arrived in October.
A lovely run in the hills with Lesley 13 November 2014
Mixed terrain run 12 November 2014
New terrain run 10 November 2014
Long off road run 9 November 2014
Pleased with today’s run. Last of the week and feeling strong on the hills.
Long off road run 8 November 2014
Totals for the week: 93.6km/58 miles and 1407m of climb.
Road run 6 November 2014
Mixed terrain run 5 November 2014
Road run 3 November 2014
Mixed terrain run 1 November 2014
Mixed terrain long run 30 October 2014

Really enjoyed today’s run. The track to Cala Reona is spectacular and although ropes are provided for the feint hearted, it is runnable except for two or three strides as long as you take care.
Portman to La Unión off road bike ride Wednesday 29 October 2014
Calblanque mixed terrain run Tuesday 28 October 2014
Calblanque off road run Monday 27 October 2014

Another run in the hills. One day old goats on the way.
Calblanque run Sunday 26 October 2014
More goats on today’s run.