Vass June 23

We arrived in Igoumenitsa at 15.30.on Monday 12th June and disembarked fairly quickly as we were near the ramp. We drove the familiar route to Vassiliki, stopping near Preveza for fuel and arrived about 18.30. We unloaded our bags into apartment no.3 at the Cosmos apartments and then went along to the Cosmos Hotel to say hello to Stelios and Vassiliki. We met Chris & Dick on the way who would no doubt tell everyone else that we had arrived! It was lovely to meet Stelios and Vassiliki again after an absence of three years. We went to The Wave restaurant in Pondi for a meal and were welcomed by the staff who recognized us. After a coffee at the Cosmos we went back to our apartment for a good night’s sleep.

The next morning we unpacked our bags and did some shopping at the Euromarket and Nikos’ supermarket. We called for a pastry from Stafi’s café and had a chat to his wife who also recognized us after 4 years’ absence. I did two lots of washing and then we went to the Cosmos Hotel and Mel unloaded some of his kit from the van. We had a chat with Barrie & Gill who have now got Greek citizenship so can stay in Vass for six months.

I went for my first run on Wednesday morning, 8km on the ‘P’ route through the olive groves. Mel set up the bikes and locked them up round the side of the apartment. We went into town and met Claudia and Ralf for a coffee at Livinaki’s. It was quite cool in the wind but it was good to catch up with them. Ralf has been quite ill but is now recovering which was good to find out.

We called at the butcher’s on the way back and got some chicken (kotopoullo), mince meat (kimas), sausage (loukaniko) and cheese (tyri) to keep us going for a few days. After lunch we went to the Cosmos Hotel and Mel finished unpacking his kit. There was very little wind so no windsurfing yet!

We went on our first bike ride together on Thursday – Sivros, Vournikas and back to Kontarena via Agios Ioannou Monastery. We turned off towards Agiofili beach in Kontarena, a route that Mel had run many times in the past. The road is completely tarmac now and so is the road back to the town. It was a little cloudy and there was some rain on the way round but that was OK. We stopped in Sivros for a frappe (still only 2 Euros) like we have done many times in the past. A very enjoyable first ride!

It rained all afternoon with some thunder so we stayed in the apartment but later went to Nikos supermarket. We met Barrie and Gill again and Mel provisionally arranged to meet Barrie for a bike ride the next day (but it didn’t happen due to the weather).

I ran to Agio Fili beach on Friday morning whilst Mel did a big bike ride to Agios Petros, the twin aerials and back down the scar road (which is also fully tarmac now). It was a bit brighter in the morning but it clouded over again in the afternoon with some more heavy showers. It stayed very humid and cloudy all evening and rained during the night.

I purchased a 10-class pass from Healthy Options (160 Euros) and went to my first Pilates class on Saturday morning. Hannah who was a good instructor took the class and I enjoyed the session. Mel went for a bike ride and I met him in town for a frappe but there was another heavy shower of rain as we arrived and we got a bit wet! Mel went back to the apartment to get a shower and I did some shopping at Nikos supermarket in town. After lunch we stayed at the apartment as it was very windy and unsettled conditions. We went to Bazanakis for a meal in the evening and met Chrissa again, it was lovely to see her after four years.

Sunday’s weather was much more typical for Vass – warm, sunny and dry. We went for a bike ride to Agios Petros, Nikolis, Sivros and Vournikas. We met Gabbi just as we left running back from Agios Petros. We had a quick catch up but knew we would see her and Horst at Livinakis as that is their favourite coffee stop the same as us. We stopped in Sivros for a frappe and sat with a group of cyclists from Club Vass. Later Mel went out windsurfing for the first time this holiday.

Mel did another bike ride on the first day of our second week and I went for a run. Later we met Gabbi and Horst at Livinaki’s for a coffee. Gabbi had fallen off her bike and hurt her face, hands and leg, she looked quite sore. Mel had another windsurfing session and in the evening we went along to Bayside to listen to Claudia and Roal sing and play their guitars. It was very nice but it got very cold and they didn’t finish until about!

I went to a Barre Pilates session on Tuesday with Hannah – very good but much more aerobic than ordinary Pilates. I will definitely try it again. Mel did another bike ride and tired himself out but later he had a go on his wing foil and a bit more windsurfing. We went into town for a pizza at Alex’s restaurant later on.

The next day was the 21st June – the longest day of the year. We did a bike ride to Agios Petros then over the ‘fire road’ to Athani where we stopped for coffee then on past the Oasis restaurant up to the top of the scar and back down to Vass. The scar road is now also tarmac and used by more cars to get over to Porto Katsiki and Egremini beaches. Mel had another go on his wing-foil and was quite pleased with his efforts! In the evening we went with Ralf and Claudi to the Oasis restaurant to watch the sunset on the longest day. There was a group of about 20 people – German, Italian, Romanian and English – we sat with Bob and Joy who are staying on the campsite. It was a very enjoyable evening, typical Greek food and good company.

I went to Barre Pilates again on Thursday and Mel went to meet Max Rowe about his wing-foil and to discuss when he could have a lesson. He did a bit of wing-foiling later and then some windsurfing. It was a very hot day today.

I did the 8km ‘’P” run on Friday morning whilst Mel had a rest. Later he did a bit of wing-foiling but no windsurfing. On Saturday we got the paddle boards out and paddled along to the Cosmos, stopped for a cup of tea and then paddled back. We both enjoyed it very much. There was no wind today but we sat on a sunbed at the Cosmos and Mel went to talk to Max Rowe about buying a wing sail from him (which he did). We had to say goodbye to Ralf and Claudia today as they were leaving to go home.

On Sunday we both went on the bikes to Amousa Bay but the café was closed so we carried on up the main road and then turned off at Fterno to go to Sivros. It was cloudy today and there was some rain although not heavy. We stopped in Sivros at the Virani café and had a frappe and a delicious orange pie. We went along to the Cosmos Hotel in the afternoon and met up with Rob & Amanda who had arrived the previous evening. We hadn’t seen them for 4 years although we had kept in touch with the occasional email. We had a good chat and catch up and it was really lovely to see them and hear about their boys and their grandchildren. There was no wind so we sat and chatted until it was time to go back to our apartment.

I managed a long run on Monday to the cemetery (12.68km) and Mel went for a bike ride to Hortata and back through Nikolis and Sivros. After showers we walked into town and had a frappe at the usual place, did some shopping and then back to the apartment for lunch and a rest. It was a windy afternoon so Mel did a bit of wing foiling (with his new wing) and then some windsurfing too. It was the first day on the water for Rob and he seemed to enjoy himself.

We did another SUP morning on Tuesday to the Cosmos and back. After showers we went in the van to the Euromarket, calling in at the campsite to say hello to Nicki & Maria and Kula & Irene. We also called at the Imperial Studios and had a chat with Liata and collected the box we had left there 4 years ago.

Rob & Amanda borrowed our bikes and went for a ride in the olive groves on Wednesday morning, whilst I went to Pilates and Mel had a rest. He was able to go out on the water today on both his wing-foil and windsurf kit although the wind came in quite late. We went for a meal at the Aeriko café as we were quite late back to the apartment.

We did another bike ride the next day to Agios Petros, Hortata, Manasi, Nikolis and back through the deserted village. We met Chris in Agios Petros who we have met before, he lives in Sivota in the summer and Majorca in the winter. Mel went out on both the wing-foil and windsurf kit again in the afternoon and I went to Pilates. In the evening we went up to Bazanakis and met Rob & Amanda there. We had a nice meal and enjoyed the evening.

On the last day of the month I went for a run and Mel stayed in bed. We walked into town for a frappe and chatted to Adrian and his wife and then Bernt and Annette. We did some shopping and after lunch went to Cosmos but there was no wind so we went back to the apartment early and watched Elton John at Glastonbury.