July 2019

Charlie & Anne arrived at the beginning of July and Charlie could be seen on the water every day, windy or not! Andy and Jenny were here for another week and Andy got quite a few days on the water and Jenny ran and cycled most days. We had a couple of evenings out with them, one at Bazanaki’s and one in town at the Pizza restaurant. Mel hurt his back this week and was struggling with running but he had a physio session with Costas (Stelio’s nephew) and it improved a lot over the next few days.

Amanda & Rob arrived on the 7th July and it was lovely to meet up with them again. They were staying at the Captain’s apartments in town and their two sons, Sam & Josh are also coming later in the month with their girl friends.

The Pilates sessions at Healthy Options all seemed to be in the afternoons in July when it is just too hot in the tent so I went to some Hatha Yoga sessions with Olympia. These were morning sessions and I enjoyed these very much. Amanda went to the Yoga sessions too but level 2 mostly.

Stelios had a cage built for guests in July so for the last three weeks Mel was able to leave his kit rigged up at the Cosmos with Chris Mortimer and the ‘other’ Mel. This was much better and quicker for Mel to get out on the water.

For a few days in the middle of July the weather changed and we had a few dull and stormy days. This meant no windsurfing and a lot of sitting around waiting for it to change.

We went to Detta and Dominic’s apartment one evening for drinks which was very pleasant. Their place is in one of the new blocks on the way to Agio Fili beach. We also went up to Barry & Gill’s house one evening and had another meal at Bazanaki’s.

We went to the H Rachi restaurant in Exhanthia again and had a very nice lunch. We watched a lot of people paragliding from there and enjoyed the chilled-out atmosphere.

We had several more runs to Agio Fili beach and on one occasion the road was closed due to concrete laying. This meant there was nobody on the beach as the boat doesn’t arrive until later so we enjoyed a swim on our own.

Mel did a few long runs again to Agios Petros and Sivros, with frappe stops on both routes. One of his SCH friends got creative with his Strava map which amused him.