May 2019

Imperial Studios
Imperial Studios

We arrived in Vass on the 20th May and after unloading the van at the Imperial Studios we went to the Cosmos to say hello to Stelios & Vassiliki. We also saw Debbie & Steve there who we first met at The Cosmos about 12 years ago. Later in the week we had a meal with them at The Cosmos and joined in with the quiz (coming last).

The weather during the first two weeks was very mixed – some cool days, some cloudy and not a lot of wind. Mel had 3 good days wind surfing however and we did lots of running. There wasn’t anywhere to store kit at the Cosmos so Mel rigged up on the lawn keeping his boards and sails in the van.

Chris & Dick, Clive & Jean, Mike & Pam and Barry & Gill were already in Vass when we arrived. We met Chris several times at Livinakis and caught up over coffee and Mike also windsurfs from the Cosmos so we saw him there. Roy & Eve arrived at the end of May and pitched up in their motorhome next to the Cosmos.

I bought a 10 class pass for Healthy Options from Amy and we both went to Pilates with Emma who is a dancer and an excellent teacher. I also did Amy’s Swiss Ball classes which were quite challenging!

Lesley at the top of Agios Petros
Agios Petros

We had a couple of bike rides during these first two weeks – one to Agios Petros and the deserted village and one to Sivros and the monastery. I have now got an e-bike which made the hills a lot easier and Mel had to work hard to keep up!