The last week in June had been a very hot one with very little wind but the first week in July it changed. It was very windy overnight and a bit cloudy during the day at the start of the first week but then it settled down and Nick and Phil had a decent last week of wind surfing.
Nick & Gail and Phil & Dawn left at the end of this week.
We had a very early start on Sunday 2nd July! Mel had planned a run to Sivros with Sim, the yoga instructor and bike guide from Neilson but she had to do an airport transfer later so we had to meet at 7am. We set off through the olive groves and up the main road to Sivros. It was pleasantly cool as the sun had not come over the mountain yet. Mel and Sim ran on up the short cut and I cycled round the hairpins to meet up with them at the Verani cafe in the square in Sivros. After a frappe we continued on up the road towards the monastery turning. Mel & Sim ran and I cycled back towards Vassiliki admiring the views as we went.
I headed down to Kontanera and Mel & Sim went straight back to Vassiliki. We met up back at the Imperial Studios and agreed we had all enjoyed the morning’s outing!
Wimbledon started and I was able to watch it at the Cosmos during the day or we watched it in the evening at the apartment. We particularly enjoyed watching the match between Nadal and Muller and following Jo Konta as she made progress through the stages to the semi finals.
We went to Bazanaki’s restaurant on Thursday 6th in the evening and enjoyed the food and live music. We went again the following week with Gill and Andrew Williams who arrived in Vass on the 12th.
It was very hot that evening and busy at the restaurant and I felt a bit ill whilst we were there but it was still a good evening.
We continued to run regularly and Mel managed to run to Agios Petros (18km/20km) a couple of times and I managed a couple of longer runs to the cemetery (11km). I also went to Pilates at Healthy Options with Nid, a very good instructor at least once a week. Mel had some very good windsurfing in July and by the end of the month he had windsurfed more than 30 days in total.
Many people who we knew from previous years either at the Cosmos Hotel, at Sun Waves or on the campsite came in July. It is always lovely to meet up with them again e.g. Reiner and his wife and two daughters and Toby, Inge, Dorothy, Leo & Tom (all from Germany).
Staffi opened his restaurant in Nikoils at the beginning of July and we went there on the 14th with Sim and her friends Chris & Steve. As usual we enjoyed the food and it was nice to meet Sim’s friends. There were only two other families at the restaurant that night so it was quiet but that was OK as it made the parking easier! It was also pleasantly cool, a welcome relieve after the Bazanakis experience! Toby & Inge also took there family there on our recommendation and they really liked it.
We had a few runs to Agio Fili beach stopping for a swim and then a frappe in town. We also drove to Amousa Bay a couple of times and sat on the beach, had a swim and then a frappe (again!) We enjoyed both of these activities as it made a change from the usual routine.
Charlie, Anne & Nicki arrived on the 16th, having flown here this time. They stayed in the Imperial Studios and had lessons at Club Vass. Chris & Sue Mortimer also arrived on the 16th with their two daughters, Lucy & Emily. They stayed on the campsite in their motor home as usual but kept their kit at the Cosmos so we saw quite a bit of them.
On Tuesday 25th July we went for a bike ride with Gill & Andrew to Agios Petros. We left at 7.30. am and had a steady ride up to the village stopping a few times to enjoy the view.
At Agios Petros we stopped at the cafe in the square for the usual frappe and several other groups from the various centres arrived after us. Ian was there too but riding on his own.
After the frappe stop we continued on up to the turning for the deserted village. We cycled back down to the olive groves, stopping at the well-looked after church, the only building still there. We took Gill & Andrew back on the route Mel had recently discovered, off the ‘P’ route and back to the ‘Swiss house’ road and out onto the main road by Andromeda.
We finished with another frappe stop at Livinaki’s and a pastry from the bakery – a very enjoyable morning’s exercise. Thank you, Gill & Andrew.