We spent the week before leaving loading up the VW van and deciding what to take to Spain. Obviously Mel was taking all his windsurf/wing foiling kit and we were taking our bikes but this time we had booked a chalet on the campsite so we were a bit unsure of the facilities. Also it’s a few years since we have been to Spain so thinking about what clothes etc. to take was a challenge.
We left Llanarmon Yn Ial at 10am on the morning of 28th October 2022. We drove to Portsmouth, stopping at Services for food & drink on the way. It was very busy all the way but especially on the M42/M40 and then again on the A34 past Oxford and down towards Southampton. We got to Southampton mid afternoon so in plenty of time for our ferry at 21:30. We parked in the town and had a walk round and got a sandwich from Subway. We went to the port and checked in and boarded about 8pm. We had a drink and then went to bed in our cabin. The Galicia is a fairly new ship so the facilities on board were very good, we could watch TV in our room on demand.
We got up the next morning and went for breakfast (included) and then sat in the lounge and read. It was a bit choppy so we went back to our room to lie down after having a sandwich. Mel was feeling particularly queasy and when we went for our evening meal we had to queue up and that finished him off! He took a tray with his evening meal back to the room and was eventually able to eat it. We both slept despite the choppy crossing but it did calm down towards morning.
We arrived in Santander at 8:00 on schedule and after a brief, efficient passing through Customs, we got on the road. We stopped for a coffee and tortilla at Services and then carried on, stopping for lunch before arriving at our hotel at Villarubio. Hotel San Isidro was a perfect stop over – just off the motorway with little chalets and a basic evening meal.
We left the hotel at 9am and stopped for breakfast and lunch on the way. We had a good journey with very little traffic and nice weather, arriving at the campsite in La Manga about 1pm. We checked in and collected the key to Chalet I62. We unloaded the van and then did some shopping at the campsite Spar, bumping into Isobel whilst there.

We rearranged the chalet spare bedroom, putting the single beds on top of each other, making room to keep the bikes in there. Mel sorted out Wi-Fi – very fast fibre to the router, great for streaming TV. We went to the campsite restaurant for our evening meal – 18Euros each for a 3 course meal, including bread, a drink and coffee.
We had our first run on a Tuesday 1st November – a hot and sunny one! We finished unpacking and setting up the chalet did a bit more shopping at the Spar and caught up with some TV in the evening.
We had another run on Wednesday morning but then went to Cabo de Palos to do some shopping at Aldi and Mercadona. On Thursday I went to my first Pilates session with Paula, it was lovely to see her again. We also met several other people who we knew from previous visits – Heinz & Anita, Paul & Gill, Big Mel.

On Friday we went for our fist bike ride to Los Belones, Los Nietos, Los Urritas and El Elgar – 35km!
Mel went to the beach on Saturday morning and did some SUPing and also used the wing on the SUP but it wasn’t very windy. I did 11km run along La Manga strip to the 2km post.
On Sunday we went to the harbour at Cabo de Palos but our usual café was closed for holidays and the man in the shop next door no longer sold English papers! We went for a look round the market and had a coffee and sandwich at a café near the road but we weren’t very impressed. We bought a roast chicken and potatoes for tea.
On the Tuesday of the second week, Trevor and Sue came to see us and we walked down to the café for a coffee with them. It was good to see them and catch up after 6 years!
Mel went out on the water a couple of times although it wasn’t very windy. We both did a long run on the Wednesday in preparation for the 14km Cartegena race coming up on the 20th November.
On Thursday night/Friday morning we had very heavy rain and thunder and lightning. It didn’t feel as uncomfortable as it used to do in the motor home, however and although we didn’t have the best night’s sleep it wasn’t so bad. On Friday morning we went to Espaccio Meditarraneo near Cartegena to do some shopping. We had coffee and a pastry then we went to Decathlon and bought a new running bag, some cycling gloves and a luminous cycling top for Mel. We had a look round Leroy Merlin, C&A and Primark and then we did a bit of food shopping at the Carrefour. I got a 65+ discount card on the recommendation of one of the Assistants who kindly helped me to fill in the form. We had a sandwich and coffee before driving back to the campsite via Los Belones to book a table at the Indian Restaurant.
In the evening we went for a meal at Paras Indian Restaurant in Los Belones. We were the only people in the restaurant so there wasn’t much atmosphere but the food was OK. We came back to the campsite and watched “Enola” on Netflix. We watched “The Good Nurse” on a previous evening which we enjoyed.
We did another long run on Saturday and met at the campsite café for coffee. It was a lovely sunny day but no wind. I did some washing and after lunch we sat on the pitch and chilled out.
On Sunday we went for a bike round to Los Belones via Calblanque. It was cooler and a bit cloudy but OK for cycling. We stopped in Los Belones for a coffee and toast with tomatoes. Mel went to the beach when we came back but there was not enough wind for him to go out on the water. Today is Paul & Gill’s last day so he said goodbye to them until next time. I did some washing and Mel did some research on how the control units on the bikes work.
On Monday 14th we both went for a long run; it was warm and humid but no wind. In the afternoon we both went paddle boarding on the calm water. We had wetsuits on but mine is too thick for these conditions and I was quite hot but we both enjoyed it. Heinz was on the beach and took lots of pictures of us which he sent to Mel later. Derek and Anne arrived today, we saw them drive past with their caravan as we were putting things back in the van.

We had another run on Tuesday, Mel going across the hills on Calblanque to Cala Reona. We went to the Kitesurf shop on La Manga strip after showers and breakfast and then called at the huge Chinese homeware/garden shop in Cabo de Palos. We bought some outdoor lounge chairs and some solar fairy lights for the balcony. It was warm and sunny again and Mel did a bit of wing foiling in the afternoon.

We had an issue with the van battery which we were concerned about so on Wednesday we went to Ross Motors in Los Belones to get it checked. Mel was at school with the sister of the owner (Jude Ross) and aunty of the boys who work there. There was a loose connection to the battery which Craig tightened and the battery itself seemed fine.
We went to see Jude at his house in Las Barracas in the afternoon. We sat on his balcony and had a good chat; he has lived in Spain for 20 years and built his house himself, which is very nice but very big! We called at the garage again on the way back to ask Craig to order a solar battery charger.

On Thursday I went to Pilates again and Mel went for a short bike ride. We had coffee with Dave & Jenny at the café and then Mel went off on another ride to Mar de Crystal but fell off into the mud. He came back covered in mud and the bike too so he had to wash everything off before we could go back to the café for tapas. We sat outside the café watching the windsurfers and one wing foiler and Isobel & Graham came and joined us. Mel decided against going out so we went back to the chalet.

We went to Aldi and Mercadona on Friday morning to do a big shop and it rained all morning and most of the afternoon. We had a coffee in the campsite café but then stayed in the chalet all afternoon. We went to the campsite restaurant for dinner, I had fish & chips and Mel had gammon & chips. It was OK but a bit too greasy for us.
Saturday 19th November was Joe’s first birthday so we had a chat with them to wish him happy birthday. He is so gorgeous and we wish we could give him a hugg! It was sunny and windy all day and Mel went out windsurfing in the afternoon.
On Sunday 20th we went to Cartegena to do the XIX Cross de la Artilleria 14k race. We parked on the University car park and walked to the centre to collect our dorsals (race numbers). It was a lovely sunny day with not much wind. There were lots of people around the central square as there were several races taking place. The 14k started at 11.30.am so we had a coffee whilst we waited and after putting our numbers on our vests we handed our bag into the ‘guardaropa’ (bag drop). Each race started with a huge military gun being fired which was very loud and made you jump every time. We both enjoyed the race and stayed for the presentations. I was first in my age category (61+) but Mel didn’t manage to get a prize as his age category was also 61+ making him unlikely to be able to win against runners who were potentially 10 years younger.

On Monday we went to Los Belones on the bikes and had breakfast there. It was sunny and windy but a bit cool. It was windy and gusty all day – no good for windsurfing. Mel went to Ross Motors to get the solar powered battery charger for the van.
We both went for a run on Tuesday morning but it was still a bit cool and overcast. We decided to go to the Parc Meditaraneo in Cartegena to get some things for the bikes from Decathalon. We had a sandwich in the café at the Carrefour for lunch before driving back to the campsite. We sat outside for a while on our new loungers.
It was windy all night and again Wednesday morning but also cloudy and cool. We decided to go to Los Alcazares and had a walk along the sea front followed by a tapas and drink at La Encarnacion restaurant. In the afternoon Mel went out windsurfing.

Thursday morning I went to Pilates as usual and Mel went for a run. We met at the campsite café and had coffee and a bacon sandwich. Afterwards we went out on the paddle boards as it was very still and calm on the water.
On Friday we went for a bike ride to La Union, El Algar and back to Los Belones for coffee and toast. We tried to book the Italian Restaurant Scarbetti’s but it was closed. We called to see Gaynor on the way back but she wasn’t in again so we dropped by Derek and Anne’s and had a chat with them.
In the evening we went to Los Belones and Scabetti’s was still closed so we went across the road to Via Romana, another Italian style restaurant. We had a very nice meal – Calabrese salad, pizzas and cheesecake. We will definitely be going back there again.
On Saturday we both went for a run to Mar de Cristal and back along the service roads. The path across to Mar de Cristal has dried up again as we haven’t had any rain for while. It was sunny and warm so we sat on the balcony in the afternoon and had a visit from Derek and Anne and later Gaynor called by too.
On Sunday Mel took me on a run across on the off road paths of Calblanque. It was a lovely sunny morning so we enjoyed reacquainting ourselves with the routes. We called at the campsite café for coffee and toast on the way back. We walked back to our chalet, meeting Big Mel and Jackie for a chat on the way.

Monday 28th November was very windy but Mel continued to have tooth ache so we went along La Manga strip to find the dentist, Alexander Czech. Derek had mentioned his name to us as he had been to see him on a previous visit. Mel was able to have some treatment – he had the nerve removed from his tooth and a temporary filling put in. He has to go back next Monday to have it filled permanently. We went to Aldi to do some shopping afterwards and then back to the chalet for lunch. It was still windy when we returned and there were ‘white horses’ on the water. We sat outside for a while as it was still sunny on the balcony.
Mel wasn’t feeling too well on Tuesday so he stayed in bed whilst I went for a run to Mar de Cristal; it was sunny but a bit of a cool wind. Mel did a bit of ‘spring cleaning’ in the chalet and later we walked to the campsite café for a coffee.
We both ran on Wednesday and it was a lovely sunny morning. On Thursday Mel ran whilst I went to Pilates and it was a bit cooler and cloudy. On Thursday evening it rained all night and it continued all day Friday. Mel went for a very wet run and then we went to Los Belones for lunch. We went to the Mexican/Indian restaurant, Mel had a curry and I had a chicken burrito. It was still raining and we met Gaynor in the campsite coffee when we went there afterwards for a coffee.
The wind conditions have not been suitable for some time for Mel to either wingfoil or windsurf, which is a bit disappointing but we have enjoyed running, chilling out and drinking coffee.

On Sunday 4th December we went to Cabo de Palos harbour and had coffee and tostada con tomate in our favourite café, Busquets which has now reopened after a period of being closed for their holidays.

It was quite cool at first but the sun came out and it warmed up so we walked along the coast path to the lighthouse. There were lots of people about possibly because there are two bank holidays in Spain next week (6th and 8th December).

One of the everyday occurrences that you don’t see at home but quickly take for granted here are Parrots. These ones don’t mimic people but, boy, do they make a racket. So here’s a picture of the noisy blighters!
On Monday 5th December we went to the dentist and Mel cancelled his appointment and settled his bill. He had decided to wait until he gets back to the UK to finish his treatment at the Riverside Dental Practice in Nantwich. We then went to do some shopping at Aldi and Mercadona in Cabo, buying a big cake to take with us to Jude’s for Mel’s birthday. It rained heavily all night and Tuesday morning (Mel’s birthday) and Mel decided to go for a run in the rain! It dried up later when we went to Jude’s house in Las Barracas to meet Caroline and have a curry with them. It was a lovely afternoon with Caroline and the family; there was a lot of reminiscing about their childhoods in London.
On Wednesday we both went for a run (11km) to Mar de Cristal and then went to the campsite café in the afternoon and met up with Isobel and Graham who are going home this week. We had left over curry from yesterday for tea which was really good.
After Pilates on Thursday Mel came down to the café to meet me for a coffee. There was a bit of sunshine late morning but it was mostly a damp and cloudy day. It is very cold at home in Wales with snow forecast so it is definitely better here!
On Friday 9th December there was some wind at last! Mel did some wing foiling in the morning and I went for a short run to Playa Honda. He was pleased as he managed to do a couple of long runs up on the foil. It got windier later so he did some windsurfing but stopped about 3pm, as it was too windy. We went to Scabetti’s restaurant in the evening and had a very enjoyable pizza. It stayed windy all evening and night.
On Saturday the wind had dropped and it was sunny and warm. We went for a very nice bike ride to Mar de Cristal, Los Belones and Cabo, stopping at Baraka’s café for coffee and toast. When we got back we had a FT with Laura and the children who have all been ill over the last week, hopefully be recovered for Christmas.

On Sunday 11th December we went to Torre Pacheco to run the 11km race. We have previously done the half marathon but 11km is more in line with the sort of distances we run at the moment. It was a bit damp at first but it dried up for the race and the conditions were perfect for running. We collected our numbers and goodie bags before the race and, as before the contents of the bag was amazing. There was a hoodie and a buff along with lettuce, salad, courgettes, artichokes, grapefruit, bottle of gazpachio, and a cabbage!

The race started at 10am and we both finished in reasonable times (Mel – 57.5 mins, Lesley – 66 mins). We went back to the van to get changed and then returned to the sports hall where there were lots of tables set out with crisps, nuts, olives, cheese, cold meats and bread with chorizo spread. A band were just setting up and we got our first of 2 cans of drinks each. Eventually the presentations started but there were only two age categories for the 11km race so we didn’t win anything this time. Once again Gaspar Zamora was doing the calling out and announcing the winners.

Monday 12th was the start of our last week in La Manga. It was a bit cloudy but dry and not windy. We went for a bike ride to Los Urrutias where we stopped for a coffee and toast and then back to the campsite via Los Nietos. We had another drink at the campsite café as it was warm and sunny by now and then went to see Gaynor. We had a good chat with her and then Mel went to check out the wind on the beach but it wasn’t any good for wing foiling or windsurfing. I gave Gaynor some of the contents of the goodie bag from the race yesterday and also our nextdoor German neighbours. There was no way we were going to be able to use all the salad and veg before we leave on Saturday.

On Tuesday we both went for a short run but we felt a bit tired after the bike ride and race. We went to the beach, had a coffee and afterwards Mel went out windsurfing. We met Colin and Vicki who had arrived on Sunday. Colin is a beginner at wing foiling like Mel and they both went out to give it a go. I took some pictures of both of them on the water. Mel swopped back to windsurfing later as it was too windy for the wing foiling. It was very windy all night, keeping us awake in the chalet.

Mel did some more windsurfing on Wednesday so he finished off our stay with two good days on the water. On Thursday Mel washed his kit whilst I went to Pilates. Vicki came along too and I introduced her to Paula. Mel packed up the van and I packed the contents of the chalet. On Friday morning it was dry and sunny and no wind so we were able to finish loading up the van ready for a quick get away on Saturday. We paid the rest of the deposit for next year (including insurance in case we need to change dates etc). We called round to say goodbye to Mel & Jackie, Gaynor (but she wasn’t in) and Colin & Vicki. We had coffee and lunch at the campsite café and then called to see Derek and Anne.