La Manga: November 24

On Monday 4th November we went for our first Spanish lesson with Manuela. There was a group of 9 people (6 English and 3 German) who came to this lesson and we made a start on refreshing our Spanish. We arranged with Manuela to have a private lesson with her too. We continued to set up the chalet and had a simple meal of pasta with Arribata sauce for tea.

The next day we went to Cabo de Palos to do some shopping at Aldi and Mercadona and met Isobel and Graham who were there too. We also bought an Air fryer from the electrical shop at the Eurospar. It was a hot and sunny day so we sat on the balcony in the afternoon feeling a bit tired after the journey and setting up the chalet.

I went for a run the next morning and Mel also did a run/walk along the service road towards Los Belones and Mar de Crystal. We called to see Gaynor on the way back.

Thursday was the first Pilates session with Paula and Mel did a bike ride and met me afterwards. We had Tapas for lunch at at the campsite cafe. Another sunny and warm day so we sat outside in the aftrernoon again.

We went for bike ride on Friday to Mar de Crystal, Los Belones and Cabo de Palos, had coffee and toast at harbour cafe.

When we got back we had a look at some chalets on L sector and decided to move to L33. There is more parking, more outside space and a brand new chalet. So we packed up again when we got back and got ready to move tomorrow. We went to the campsite restaurant for fish and chips in the evening.

On Saturday 9th November we collected the key to L33 and dropped the wingfoil kit off before going back to chalet N110 to load up the van. After dropping off our things, we went back for the bikes. We then set up the new chalet which is in a much better location – room to park the van and a wide drive in front. Plus its a new chalet which is slightly larger and better hot water supply. The internet wasn’t working yet but we watched Strictly on the laptop.

We both went for a run on Sunday morning, Mel doing 5km without stopping. Mel set the bikes up later and inflated the paddle board. We organised the chalet again ready to live in for the next couple of months.

On Monday morning I attempted to join Alex’s Yoga class on line but didn’t manage to get onto Zoom so went for a run instead. Mel went for a run too and then we went to join Manuela again for a Spanish lesson. In the afternoon the man from Mangatel came to set up our internet. Mel then set up the firestick & TV.

The next day we went for a bike ride to Los Urrutias and stopped at Ruf Marie restaurant for coffee and toast. We returned via El Elgar and Los Belones to the campsite, 35km in total.

We had a private Spanish lesson with Manuela at our chalet in the afternoon. In the evening it rained heavily but it had stopped by the morning, but it was cooler. We went to Parque Mediterraneo in Cartegena to do some shopping and caught up with Caroline and Minnie when we got there.

On Thursday I went to Pilates with Paula. It was windy and cool but Mel decided not to go on the water as the conditions weren’t quite right for his first go. Mel met me at the campsite cafe and we sat with Dave & Jenny and had a coffee.

On Friday we went to Cartegena to collect our T shirts for the Cross de La Artileria race (which had been cancelled due to the Army having to go to Valencia to help with the recovery from the floods).

We called into the Parque Mediterraneo again to get some inner tubes from Decathlon. We had lunch in the Bonbon cafe whilst we were there. We went to the Bollywood Indian Restaurant in Los Belones in the evening.

We both went for a run on Saturday although it was a bit windy. Mel went wingfoiling later with his 4m wing. On Sunday we cycled to Cabo de Palos on the non-ebikes and had coffee and toast in the harbour. It was dry and sunny and not so windy.

On Monday 18th I successfully managed to join Alex Bowley’s Yoga class on Zoom at 8am. I enjoyed the class, it was an appropriate level for me. Afterwards we went on the non-ebikes to Los Belones and had coffee and tostada. It was a bit warmer and sunny today and we went to the Spanish lesson with Maneula when we got back.

On Tuesday 19th (Joe’s birthday) we were looking at snow in our garden at home on the camera. There were a few inches and it was obviously very cold.

But it was sunny and warm in Spain and we both went for a run and then I did two lots of washing and put it out to dry (wouldn’t be doing this at home!). After doing some shopping at Mercadona, Mel went to the beach and went wingfoiling with his 6m wing. Unfortunatley he had to swim back as the wind dropped whilst he was out.

On Wednesday we went for a bike ride up to La Manga Club and then over the hills to Llano del Beal and back to Los Belones. We called to see Keith & Zena and then had coffee and toast at the usual cafe in Los Belones.

On Thursday I went to Pilates as usual and Mel went for a run. We had a coffee with Dave & Jenny at the campsite cafe and then Mel went out on his wingfoil again in the afternoon (6m).

On Friday I went for a run and then we had a Spanish lesson with Manuela (numbers, dates & times). Another wingfoiling session for Mel in the afternoon (6m).

On Saturday we went for a non-ebike ride along La Manga Strip to find the bike hire place for Yoe & Paul, who are coming to visit on the 1st December. Then we went to Cabo to have our usual coffee and tostada and had a look for the apartment that Yoe has booked but we couldn’t find it. There was no wind today so Mel watched the Grand Prix in the afternoon.

The last week in November was similar to all the other weeks with runs, bike rides, Yoga and Pilates. On Wednesday we had a trip in the van to La Zenia shopping centre. We had lunch there and did some shopping in Decathlon & Mercadona. It is an open air centre and it was a sunny day so it was quite pleasant. There is also a big parking area just outside. Mel also had another wingfoiling session on the Friday and on Saturday we went for a long bike ride to Los Alcazaras. We came back across the fields which was a bit boring and hot so we stopped in El Elgar for a cold drink. It was a long way (53km) and we were a bit tired when we got back.